Saturday, September 3, 2016

Tax Administration rejects nearly half freelancer contracts –

That leaves Secretary Eric Wiebes (Finance) know after a WOB request of SME interests.

The tax authorities in the implementation of the Law deregulation review labor relations (DBA) since May 1 of this year 4481 ingested model contracts for freelancers. Of these, about half are still pending, 1,033 have been rejected.

370 of the rate model agreements freelancer contracts have been approved. In 814 of the cases, the application was demolished, Wiebe’s report.

As of May 1, 2016, the Declaration labor relationship (VAR) for self-employed (freelancers) abolished. Until 1 May next year is a transitional period in which the Tax emphasis on awareness and implementation.

The VAR was designed to determine whether companies should include payroll and pay tax on the income of self-employed workers.

these were people officially working as a freelancer, actually employed by the employer. For the Tax Administration was to check this difficult. As of May, the DBA controls the relationship between client and freelancer.


MKB Holdings, an advocate for SMEs and smaller companies, the DBA Act identifies three months introducing a “massacre”.

“In July, we concluded already that the DBA has failed. But the figures that have now come out we scare huge,” SME informs Holdings director Adrienne van Veen.

also apparent from the documents requested that the average review time nearly eleven weeks takes a lot longer than the efforts of the Tax six weeks.

A spokeswoman for Wiebe calls the criticism of Van Veen nonsense. “There is absolutely no question of a massacre. There are now things forward where it is whether someone is self-employed or on a permanent basis. As the DBA Law is meant exactly,” said the spokeswoman.

Wiebe therefore is just the next few months by the Law DBA, while keeping a close finger on the pulse of industry associations



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