Saturday, November 26, 2016

Asscher still don’t know if he’s in the government wants to –

Although he is in the race to be leader of the Labour party know that deputy prime minister Lodewijk Asscher whether or not he the government will. If he is party leader of the PvdA, he decides only after the elections or he is in the cabinet step or in the Second Room. Asscher said that Saturday during the third lijsttrekkersdebat with Diederik Samsom in Groningen. Asscher wants after the election, first with the members, discuss whether the party should govern and under what conditions. Then he looks at where he is ‘the most useful’. That arrangement differs from that of Samson, the current group chairman. Who thinks that the Labour party leader in the Second Room.

Asscher and Samsom are agree what should happen if the PvdA is the largest party. Then the party leader prime minister. According to current polls the situation is, however, unlikely. In the third debate, with the theme of energy and environment, fell Asscher Samsom less than in the first two. He even spoke frequently, his appreciation for him. Both agree that there is more to invest in a sustainable future, but do, step-by-step” to the economy and employment, not to harm.

Asscher pulled hard out to prime minister Mark Rutte. According to him, try the VVD-leader often fun to do in the hope that thereby the attention of his program and, as voters, to win. According to Asscher, should politics ‘a serious matter’. Samsom struck him therein. On a question from the audience repeated Asscher, however, that there is ‘change’ needed is to get the Labour party back on the map. This is the ‘tone, message, and leadership.

There is still one debate between the two lijsttrekkerskandidaten, that Saturday is also an ice skating rink in Leeuwarden visited. The Labour party members can vote who wins. The rash is on 9 december. According to a recent survey makes Asscher the best chance.


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