Friday, November 25, 2016

Fair disappears from the Dam – AT5

The fair on the Dam square will disappear. There is still a licence until 2019, but this is by the municipality were not renewed. It is a measure against the hustle and bustle in the town.

Mayor Van der Laan has this to the city council a written in a letter about the new evenementenbeleid. Also the number of parties in the streets and squares during the Gay Pride, is being curbed, writes The Netherlands. Also is the noise level of the party addressed. So be extremely low tones filtered out.

also Read: City council wants coaches away from town

According to The Netherlands be the new, uniform guidelines for sound most likely on Koningsdag force. Therefore, the mayor in consultation with evenementenorganisatoren, bewonersverenigingen and geluidsdeskundigen.

Read also: Residents Prinsengracht are whining about the nuisance Gay Pride was: ‘Disastrous as complainants equal’

there will Also be an urban regietafel. This meets every week to discuss the upcoming events to discuss. It then consults on possible deployment of police and other emergency services, enforcement and the sanitation department. From 1 January the regietafel start. The work has not to the full privacy policy.

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