The security of Sylvana Simons follows months of dreigmails, says her party THINK. The newspaper AD got access to the mailbox of the party.
She is a whiner’, ‘back on the boat to Suriname. Or her THINK-colleagues Tunahan Kuzu and Selçuk Öztürk: back to Turkey with the ‘filthy Turks’.
Wander in the mailbox of the upcoming political party THINK delivers a host of nasty reactions. Blatant insults are interspersed with disguised, or sometimes very direct threats.
Reason for Second Deputy Selçuk Öztürk to disclose. Especially now that threats according to Think have culminated in the security of their upcoming politician Sylvana Simons. Last night was her party announced that the National co-Ordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) ‘visible and invisible measures, takes to her to keep safe.
The claim that that action also ‘histrionics’, is refuted by the content of the duimendikke folders of printed e-mails and social media posts that THINK if evidence has been collected. This be regularly to the police have been sent for examination.
Öztürk calls the with a look at all this misery “very, very sad’. But ‘unfortunately unavoidable’. ,,Every time we in the media are, and Sylvana in particular, we see a peak in the derrie on social media and in our mailbox.”
Now do THINK own research. Because messages on the websites of Geenstijl, the Daily Standard and ThePostOnline would throw gas on the fire, says Öztürk. ,,We seek that relationship, because those sites also use words like ‘beroepsslachtoffer’, or ‘wacky Nederlandhaters’. That raises even more hate.”
Simons himself has let us know not to consider her throw to the Kamerlidmaatschap to cease. The former television host was already quite used to after they had previously conjectured as criticaster of Zwarte Piet and was promptly treated to a ‘uitzwaaipagina’. With the announcement that the National would like to participate on behalf of THINK, is ‘no less’, says Öztürk.
The electronic maledictions Sylvana Simons poured out upon will, fit according to director Roderik van Grieken of the Dutch Debate Institute in a trend. ,,If someone is an outlaw is declared, then suddenly, everything to be said. Then it goes of a banana eating a step further. With a simple press of a button, you will reach the whole country, provided that it is rough. And so it is becoming coarser, because whoever means, reaches no one.”
According to the Greeks, is the in the case of Sylvana matter what she says. Her appearance on tv or internet alone, turn the locks to open. Simons is not alone. In the first half of this year did politicians all 200 reports to the special team of justice that the threat of mps deals. In 72 cases there was persecution started.
Mark Rutte, give a signal to the country that this is not more
THINK-foreman Kuzu
According to researchers from the Radboud University Nijmegen and Utrecht University, it appears from studies that more and more Dutch people agree with gross, negative statements about ethnic minorities. Where, in 1985, less than a quarter of the native-born population is negative uitliet about ethnic minorities, that in 2012 had risen to more than half. That is true for lower and higher educated people.
How to stop this? THINK-foreman Kuzu makes an appeal to prime minister Mark Rutte: ,,Give a signal to the country that this is no longer possible.”
Kuzu made itself known that Simons protection. The question is whether this is the case further helps. Of Greeks believes, for instance, that the attention that media devote to the haatberichten that Sylvana will receive, eventually, only lead to the ‘fan mail’ even dirtier.
also Read:
Simons: Privacy and freedom of movement are lost
Sylvana Simons secured, suspect arrested
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