Friday, December 16, 2016

8.5 million euros of tax deduction on false grounds claimed –

They made use of false and increased receipts of gifts by a onderwijsstichting in the region of Rotterdam were delivered, the Public Prosecutor’s office Friday known.

The Tax authority is pleased to announce that the providers erroneously received tax refund full refund, possibly with a fine. Furthermore, they are more likely to criminal prosecution.

The belastingnadeel is estimated at around 2.5 million euros. The gifts ran the last few years vary from a few hundreds to a few thousands of euros, with an average of 5,000 euros.


the Three directors of the foundation courses, made according to the FIOD abuse of its status as an institution for general benefit (ANBI).

Donations to foundations with a tax-exempt status are tax deductible. The ANBI status is since 2014 revoked, with retroactive effect to 2008.

This week, the three directors held on suspicion of money laundering, forgery and fraud. Those arrests followed an earlier raid in may of this year. When was the belastingnadeel still on a half a million euro is estimated.

Higher refund

the presumption of the FIOD is that the directors, fake invoices with high amounts, for a cash payment provided to donors, so the donors have a higher tax refund could claim. Furthermore, not all payments in the administration are included and is uncertainty about the expenditure.

There is attachment to possessions of the foundation, such as a house, over 87,000 euros in cash, credit cards, bank accounts, jewelry and cars.



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