Friday, February 3, 2017

28 parties on the ballot paper at general election – NOS

There are 28 parties participated in the parliamentary elections on 15 march. Since Tuesday, there are three fallen: Proud of the Netherlands, the Women’s Party and Respect. They have the security of 11.250 euro not paid.

Proud of the Netherlands, the former party of Rita Verdonk, goes to the High Council to object to the decision. According to the intended leader Of the Recommends was the whole registration law was unconstitutional and “a charade”.

Of the 28 parties, there are sixteen in all twenty constituencies to participate. A number of parties do not only on Bonaire, including the Liberal Party of Member of parliament Small and the pirate party. Article 1 of Sylvana Simons does almost everywhere, except in the electoral districts of Assen and Leeuwarden.

These parties to participate on march 15th:

1. The VVD
2. PvdA
3. PVV
4. SP
5. CDA
6. D66
7. British national party
8. GroenLinks
9. SGP
10. Party for the Animals
11. 50Plus
12. OndernemersPartij
13. I didn’t
14. Think
15. New Roads
16. Forum for Democracy
17. The Citizen Movement
18. Liberal Party
19. GeenPeil
20. Pirate party
21. Article 1
22. Not the Voters
23. Libertarian Party
24. Locally in the Room
25. Jesus is Alive
26. StemNL
27. Man and Spirit/basic income Party/V-R
28. Free Democratic Party

in the previous elections in 2012 were 21 parties. The number of 28 is a matching of the post-war record. Also in 1971, 1981 and 1986, there were 28 parties participating.

The first eleven parties on the ballot paper of the parties, which already in the Second Room. Then follows a number of parties of discontinued and ex-Members of parliament: the Ondernemerspartij of ex-Mp Hero Brinkman is at 12, For the Netherlands of the current Members of parliament Bontes and Van Klaveren 13, Think of Kuzu and Öztürk on 14 and New Ways of ex-Labour’there Monasch 15.

The parties, who then dropped, got their number through a draw. Parties in all constituencies to participate, were taking precedence.

NOS 3 made a video about the new parties that this general election can participate. Who is the leader and where is the party?

The electoral council would be the parties that remain initially at 16.00 disclose. But immediately after the meeting had begun, it was suspended because there still was counted.

Tuesday, it became clear that 31 parties had registered for the elections on 15 march. 17 of them were then still does not meet all requirements. They had until this afternoon at 15.00 hours the time to do that in order to make.

According to the electoral council-president Wiebenga were until just before the expiration of the deadline much steunverklaringen handed, allowing more than an extra hour was needed to re-count.


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