Thursday, February 2, 2017

Taxironselaars to the right, drivers demonstrate at Schiphol airport – NOS

The so-called taxironselaars at Schiphol airport requirements in interlocutory proceedings, that their work is not prohibited. The recruiters do not pay for the use of the official taxi rank at the airport, but pick up customers at the square in front of Schiphol Plaza and take that to their taxi’s in the parking garage.

That is now still allowed, but with a new General Local Regulation (APV) wanted to be the mayor of Haarlemmermeer the recruiters prohibit. By that APV would only have official Schipholtaxi’s at the airport. The recruiters want so that the court which APV to stop it.

When the pronunciation is not yet known. The recruiters can still go on their way, because the municipality of Haarlemmermeer wants the decision of the court to wait and see.

The taxi drivers who pay for the place are now completely finished with the recruiters. They pay 50 euros per month for access to the pitch plus 3 euros per customer.

last night demonstrated, for the drivers already for a quick ban, and this morning stopped them again. “We are fed up, this is already three years underway,” says taxi driver Reza. “Recruiters should go to the court. But we ask the municipality to to the matter over with an emergency ordinance to come against the recruit. They are customers aggressively. We want our clients to be safe here, the police no longer behind a few snotapen need aante run and we safely can do our work.”

emotions ran high at the action. The police intervened to keep the rest. Due to the strike there were at Schiphol airport, long queues with travelers that no taxi could get. Around 13.45 o’clock, the taxi drivers again drive.

Because of the conflict around the recruiters put Schiphol airport security. Only in January it took the airport 740.000 euros, told a representative of Schiphol airport during the short proceedings. The guards have now about 50 times he was reported for assault, threat or insult by recruiters. By the taxigedoe, amsterdam airport Schiphol is by some now as a derdewereldvliegveld seen, says the airport.


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