Muslims feel unsafe in the Netherlands, but are confident that the government mosques, well protects. That says the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) Dick Schoof. “We will always take the necessary measures.”
Inched spoke this morning with the representatives of six muslim organisations, minister Block of Security and Justice and minister Asscher of Social Affairs about the safety of mosques.
the Reason for the consultation was the attack on a mosque last Sunday evening in Quebec in Canada, where six people were shot. The attack also leads in the Netherlands to anxiety and fear among many muslims.
No police surveillance
The NCTV admits that there are concerns about the actions of extreme right-wing corner. These concerns, however, is not so great that additional measures be taken. According to Schoof have the muslim organisations at this time, no need for monitoring by the police or military police.
Also, minister’s Block, it was a good conversation. “We have indicated how we can help. We keep up with the national security services constantly how big the threats are.”
Human chain
in Addition, the last time by all parties, together with the police and municipalities worked on a brochure with recommendations for mosques, churches and the police to ensure the safety of mosques to further improve.
Then go to “basic security,” said Schoof. “The moskeeganger must be a good feeling to the mosque. That’s it.” According to the NCTV, there are no indications that attacks are being prepared on places of worship.
To be concerned moskeegangers a heart under the belt to cross, had at the Essalam mosque in Rotterdam today dozens of people gathered. They formed a human chain. The action names the jewish, christian and non-religious people share.
After the attack in Quebec found four large mosques in Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Rotterdam itself measures to increase the safety. Doors during the prayer to close, and there are security guards.
Since the spring of 2016, after a number of violent incidents around mosques, regular conversations take place. So it was in Enschede a petrol bomb into a mosque thrown in, multiple places of worship received threatening letters, with a swastika on it and a mosque under construction in Culemborg was on fire.
These parties have been invited to the consultation: the contact institution Muslims and Government (CMO), the Council of Moroccan Mosques of the Netherlands (RMMN), the Grouping of Islamic Organizations Region Haaglanden (SIORH), the Foundation Platform Islamic Organizations Rijnmond (SPIOR), the Cooperation Moroccan Dutchmen (SMN), and the Turkish-Islamic Cultural Federation (TICF).
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