the so-called leak unemployment for the workers concerned is thus adequately repaired ,, ” said Mr Lodewijk Asscher (Social Affairs) Monday in a letter to parliament. He relies on calculations.

Unions orphans last year ,, dramatic consequences ” of the new so-called Dagloon Decision for starters, flex workers and returners. Social benefits could be much lower from July 1, 2015. From that moment months were also not worked included in the calculation of the height of the WW. That is changing. The unemployment benefit is calculated on the basis of what is earned in the months that did someone.

Trade union FNV is however still not satisfied and calls to seize the House in. ,, The Minister repairs not for everyone unemployment leak, ” notes the association. Together would amount to 20,000 people who are not helped. ,, Especially seasonal workers and flex workers who earn something in addition to their unemployment benefit, continue to bear the brunt. “” Of unemployed who received a lower payment since 2015 have furthermore claimed FNV still not clear when and how they are compensated.