Saturday, September 20, 2014

‘Great demonstration’ Den Haag is calm – Volkskrant

'Great demonstration' Den Haag is calm – Volkskrant

By: Jeroen Visser – 09/20/14, 18:00

© anp. Constant Kusters (foreground), leader of the Dutch People’s Union (NVU), speaks during the demonstration in The Hague.

In total, less than five hundred people today at four different demonstrations showcased in The Hague. Almost everywhere it remained quiet. Around the Malieveld 26 people were arrested, including one who gave the Hitler salute. In five of them the arrest proved unfounded, and they were allowed to return home. The others had been ‘challenging behavior’. The police were a lot of people, riot vans and horses on the leg.

As Mayor Jozias van Aartsen demonstrations in Schilderswijk and other residential areas was banned last month, had the protesters to move to other places in The Hague. Malieveld not one of them, because of the annual fair. The nationalists, anti-fascists, Kurds and the site GeenStijl demonstrated at four different places in the city center. The two most controversial events, the Muslim Defence League and the nationalists of Pro Patria, were canceled at the last minute.

On the Square in 1813 were about two hundred demonstrators from Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) meetings. Protesting against discrimination and racism. Volkskrant reporters Bart Dirks and Charlotte Huisman were on the spot. “It was a summation of several small demonstrations; against racism, buck, Nazis, Pro Patria and the PVV, “says Dirks. The organization, which had relied on four hundred people showed disappointment that the march in Schilderswijk could not go on. ‘Disappointed’ “Otherwise there would be more people have come.” The demonstration went smoothly, but there was “some scuffle” when journalists ask PowNews wanted to put on some protesters.

Little flowers and the bees’
About forty people came to the demonstration of the far-right Dutch People’s Union (NVU), opposite the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The NVU’ers demonstrated on a lawn and “between autumn leaves” against neoliberalism, the EU, the “multicultural terror ‘and the Jihadist Islam. Foreman Constant Kusters was not happy with the location. “We stand here among the flowers and the bees, but we had to stand. In Schilderswijk At the rally, which had as its theme “Baas in their own country,” hung a banner that read: “In the land of tulips and cheese ISIS never the boss!”.

In the neighborhood were arrested about twenty ADO supporters, possibly because they were running when they had to. Their demonstration site Mayor Van Aartsen also decided that all demonstrations had to be ‘static’ marches were banned. He wanted to avoid confrontations between the different groups. “If this is the demonstration future of the Netherlands, the bar made bad democracy” says Kusters. News agency ANP saw someone walking with a cap which the number 88 is in neo-Nazi circles a code for Heil Hitler. One also wore a cap with the number 18, which stands for Adolf Hitler.

Rover Gang
A third demonstration took place at The Hague City Hall. Two hundred supporters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Association were gathered there. The atmosphere was calm. There were banners with slogans like ‘We accept the terrorist, spineless attacks by the gang ISIS not. ” There were flags with an image of the Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. It called for help for the besieged city by IS Ayn al-Arab in Syria.

At all locations was a large police presence on the streets. “Every time you looked around you counted as fifty agents, ‘says Volkskrant reporter Dirks. “Agents on horseback, on mountain bikes, in riot vans and lots of ‘appease’ plainclothes agents.” In retrospect, this may seem exaggerated, says Dirks, “but that’s easy to talk. You do not know what happened when the group still had sought. “Confrontation

Annoying vertical film

This summer were several demonstrations in The Hague from the hand . There were anti-Semitic slogans during two demonstrations called for IS. A march of Pro Patria by Schilderswijk was diverted when youths threw stones and fireworks, and protesters wanted to enter into confrontation. Pro Patria announced showing a new march to be held on 20 September. District PVV leader Geert Wilders called on people to join. The march to Mayor Van Aartsen later suggested a ban in relying on public order.

In Schilderswijk stayed quiet today. Residents had a “peace festival organized. A large group of children playing at the Jacob van Camp Square on bouncy castles. Mayor Van Aartsen said at the start of the track “Peace Run The Hague ‘be happy’ that today there are many more runners than peace protesters.

The best thing about today’s protest was organized by GeenStijl. The website organized under the name Internet Against Vertical Video Syndrome a playful protest against people who keep their camera vertically irritating when filming.


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