Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cabinet wants to trick Care Act as weather killed – Dagblad van het Noorden

Cabinet wants to trick Care Act as weather killed – Dagblad van het Noorden

THE HAGUE – The government will killed Tuesday Care Act resubmit in parliament. Should that then not reach the finishing line, it wants to trick the agreements previously made with the care sector still continue.

So say sources in The Hague. In a letter to parliament does Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the trick is not exactly explained. Rutte writes that if the Health Care Act ,, unexpected ” is again voted down, the government will consult with parliament on how the care agreement can still be carried out.

According to sources, the government wants a general administrative to make. Which need not be discussed in parliament. Orders in Council are designed according to an insider for things that could not be foreseen.


The government signed an agreement last year with the healthcare sector. It states inter alia that the position of insurers is strengthened. They get more control over the choice of doctors patients.

The Health Care Act was killed this week in the Senate at the hands of three Labour senators. That led to a crisis between VVD and PvdA. After days of negotiations, the two governing parties agreed on a solution. The Health Care Act is, with minor modifications, to again and Senate. The government will in principle assume that the Senate will now vote. It has made arrangements with the three Labour senators.

The allied opposition parties D66, Christian Union and SGP are not happy that the government, if necessary, would circumvent the parliament. It finds that constitutional amiss. The government in the Senate dependent on support from these parties, because it has a majority.


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