Thursday, December 18, 2014

Has case against Geert Wilders this time I succeed? – Elsevier

Has case against Geert Wilders this time I succeed? – Elsevier

                             Shari Deira


                 The Public Prosecution Service announced on Thursday to prosecute known Geert Wilders on charges of insulting a group of people based on race and incitement to discrimination and hatred. Keep these in case in court or state?

“This case is much stronger than I Wilders,” says criminal law scholar Theo de Roos. Wilders was in 2011 acquitted of inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims and non-western immigrants and insulting Muslims.


The Rose estimates that the prosecution this time has a stronger case. “Then it was more Wilders of verbal attacks on the religion of Islam and the Koran. But the law requires that these attacks against groups.

The Wilders’ statements on 12 and 19 March were clearly aimed at Moroccans, says De Roos. Wilders said on March 12 that he would like some ‘less Moroccans in The Hague would see and on March 19 he asked did during the election night or the present “more or less Moroccans.”


Professor Henny Sackers says the chance of ‘successful prosecution’ this time is considerably larger. “It was so that politicians had more freedom of speech than ordinary people, especially if it was in the context of promoting a political ideology, and if that contributed to the public debate,” says Sackers against the NIS.

The Supreme Court Tuesday that new floor added, namely that politicians should not add to intolerance. “And in particular seems to be the opportunity for the prosecution of a successful prosecution of Wilders is considerably larger.

Lawyer Gerard Spong said Thursday on Radio 1 also that the case against Wilders this time ‘more promising’ is . “In the article, where Wilders be prosecuted, not only to statements that incite hatred, violence or discrimination, but also to statements that incite intolerance.”

The prosecution says about politicians in the context of freedom of expression may go far with their statements. “But this freedom is limited by the prohibition of discrimination.


On Tuesday the Supreme Court overturned a judgment of the Amsterdam Court of Delano Felter , the leader of the Republican Modern Party in municipal elections in 2010. He told AT5 include that homosexuals a “deviant sex ‘are. According to the court rulings fell under the freedom of speech, the Supreme Court ruled otherwise.

The highest court recognized that a politician can go far. A politician may disturb, shock and even hurt, but he also bears the responsibility “to prevent it from spreading statements that conflict with the law and with the principles of the democratic state. This not only involves statements that incite hatred or violence or discrimination but also to statements that incite intolerance



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