The lower world in 2012 in Amsterdam ignited with the wild shooting in the Staats has reached a violent climax in 2014 and will continue next year. “We do not feel that this conflict has died,” said Chief Prosecutor Theo Hofstee in an interview with Reuters
“The number of assassinations and attempted risen sharply this year,” says Hofstee. At least six liquidations attributed in 2014 to the conflict between two groups. Last year it went to two such accounts.
A lot of drugs disappeared in Antwerp in 2012, was the trigger for the fight. But according Hofstee goes no longer about. Meanwhile, there are new conflicts about money, power and control of the drug trade. Great distrust probably plays an important role.
“We can not logically explain the killings,” said the chief. He suspects that some criminals fear that they walk and ‘preventive’ measures risk by removing an alleged enemy out of the way.
This is done with extreme violence. Even innocent civilians their lives not sure. As the Thirty Amsterdam Stefan Regalo Eggermont was shot in July by mistake. The criminals are so heavily armed and trigger happy that there is even a danger for the police.
According to Hofstee can not prevent new accounts. However, everything is done to stem the violence. That not only by the normal investigation into the perpetrators.
Special attention is paid to the suppliers of fast cars and automatic firearms such as Kalashnikovs, which play a major role in the under world. In cooperation with the municipality, for example a so-called spyshop closed in Amsterdam. There were besides espionage equipment also traded weapons. Meanwhile, we have more than 20 studies by 150 investigators.
Beyond that, research on the social environment of the criminals. Police are trying to get an image of who the heck is going, because about is still unclear. No one in the vicinity of the perpetrators dare to make statements. Moreover, the groups change rather quickly in composition and are not hierarchical.
Hofstee is certain that the name ‘Mocro-mafia’ does not cover the cargo. He emphasizes that it is certainly not just about criminals with a Moroccan background but also to native Dutch and Antilleans. The most prominent victim of this year was top criminal Gwenette Martha, an Antillean
You do not stop let them go through so nice bowls we also off otherwise the whole thing cost us money
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Solution is just follow through bibob and a state of their earnings versus what they own, and seized with nemen.Veroordelen a zare picking them, and heavy fines or tax assessments which one can steal them everything they too much at home, bags or possess.
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Dear Bert, you expect too much of our police. They are not agents as we knew from our youth the previously little people who mi reasonable chance, exceptions, on the regular labor market. Why do they have a chance is clearly discernible when the trouble to save their operations meeting. When they come they are already with 6 to 9 man with hands in pockets looking their well motivated their colleagues do their work.
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what a pity say
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with such a setting, it is never of course nothing
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Yes, we pick them up they get two years now make them done well off each other. if the judiciary does not punish you automatically get wild west. So who is the boss in the Netherlands?
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Prevention and resolution are closely vewand together. Solving sets all for nothing, so it will prevent so if it turns out not many proposals. I just do not understand that one about solving so upset, they usually know. That is him serious criminals. Let them together but tasty cleanup, and spend your time solving robberies and burglaries name it. There is also gain a lot of profit.
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I walk with a bow to these people go. Wants nothing to do with it. Our children we warn all not too much to interfere in this culture. Or should I not give this opinion in the Netherlands? I should have kept my mouth shut about this?
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Does Mr. Hofstee themselves “concerns” for criminals. The criminals do not care about all the rules and laws, so this concern is hypocritical.
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I think this guy has a disease that he talks so stupid and that is over the top, man the ordinary citizen knows better close the borders then continue east road blockers and we have to work again.
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Moroccans lately with a lot of violence, murder and corruption cases which I read today in the newspaper. Why the Moroccan community and never does absolutely nothing against the dregs of their own people? Explain to me the hell try. Is this normal behavior of this culture? Explain it to me like a try? Because I do get the impression that these people are now less flawed. Again, explain to me that well try!
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All the other hand, continue to look at! The priority is indeed in the fining of people on the highway by a red cross next ride! Justice, failing bunglers in my opinion!
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If you like Chief liquidations can not explain logically, then you’re in the wrong seat. But yes, there are so many in the Netherlands in the wrong seat (plush) this bird can also still in there.
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In the Netherlands, certainly not !!
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Fortunately throw them (yet) with tea lights.
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The criminals have nevertheless made a good solution does not interfere with it just let it go as long as it relates to peer
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Last week it was every day touch, so that the Netherlands has become safer we can not say best Ivo.
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Maybe an idea to recreate a real wild west village including saloon where men can go about their business undisturbed. They attack ordinary citizens do not bother with their behavior.
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Alard, politics knows nothing of citizens and never listen to the citizens. Poli Clique should see quite apart from civilian life, is a separate world that has to do nothing with citizens. But, perhaps you can drink a cup of tea with one of our rulers.
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Let the criminals shoot each other but at loggerheads over. Good riddance.
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He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.
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Especially eavesdropping go prepaid cards. Mocro criminals sit for 90% on Lyca and Ortel
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another limp dishrag get another podium neatly promote his nonsense to the people who follow would I say?
He did not feel that it is extinguished, I’ve never been so ‘ n bunch doepen experienced as our justice, and the police, criminals are rolling with laughter on the ground !!