Friday, April 3, 2015

Man shot in Breda after attack with piercing and ax –

Reuben Koenes & amp; Joost de Kleuver
3-4-15 – 14:40

Police raid home after doing attack at mall

© Joost van Leeuwen.

At a mall in Breda afternoon shot a man. The victim was attacked with an awl and a cleaver and then was shot. The man was seriously injured. According Omroep Brabant would have now been three arrests in a raid on the Pijnboomstraat.

An eyewitness tells AD that the first victim was stabbed with an awl in his head. Then came a second offender, who tried him with an ax on his head to strike. A third culprit came with the car on the spot and shot six times at the victim, which supposedly hit four times, according to an eyewitness.

The man is seriously injured transported by ambulance. Long circled a trauma helicopter above the residential area, but the helicopter did not land.

Not long after the police raided a nearby property to the Pijnboomstraat. The incidence is directly related to the attack, but police would not say whether the residence of the victim or of one of the suspects.

After massacre was over Burgernet a message sent out to look for a red Mini Cooper. Presumably, the perpetrators fled with it. There are at least two fugitive offenders, say police. The knives were found at the scene.

In the parking lot at the mall are a cleaver and ice pick. According to an employee of the Marskramer, which also is in the shopping center, there is a trail of blood from the Jumbo to the other side of the street.

The shooting happened around one thirty.


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