The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is the evacuation of the Maagdenhuis try to enforce in the courts. A spokesperson told press ANP, after ending an ultimatum to the occupiers at 18:00.
The University of Amsterdam announced today that the occupants to leave the university premises. They would not do that, the UvA through a lawsuit evacuation would require, as happened in the occupation of Bungehuis.
According to the university administration, there is no possibility to “constructive dialogue” with the remaining occupiers, after some of them this morning has expressed a wish to perform “tougher actions”. A delegation of the activist group The New University yesterday reached a draft agreement with the board, but part of the rank could find themselves not in there, appeared at a press conference this morning
The UvA writes.:
“The Board regrets this deeply. The Executive Board can only conclude that there is no other way more open than to demand an immediate exit Maagdenhuis the occupiers. [...] It seemed that this could be prevented by proper consultation, but unfortunately that is not possible. “
‘Security deteriorated
The activists sitting since 25 February at the Maagdenhuis. They urged the building after a protest march for more transparency and involvement of teachers and students. The activists were also dissatisfied with the ‘efficiency thinking at universities and centrally orchestrated policy. The university administration did after the occupation immediately report of trespassing, but otherwise did not intervene.
A small group of students received the same evening on behalf of the protesters a mandate to continue to occupy the property. Whether this mandate still applies is unclear. The Maagdenhuis Occupiers seem divided between moderates and radicals, editor Michael Dekker writes today in NRC (€). The university is concerned in any case the security situation. Which has deteriorated over the past week, writes the University of Amsterdam.
“Last week there were two incidents where two times the police had to be called in. The UvA Is also concerned about the condition of the property, the damage to the property increases further and privacy sensitive files accessible “
Update 18:40:. Police in Amsterdam could find no reports for the period specified by the University of incidents in the Maagdenhuis. Earlier incidents have occurred in the occupied building.
Combating yield think
The University believes that much has been achieved since the occupation of the Maagdenhuis, which was incidentally preceded by the occupation of the Bunge House in the center of Amsterdam (13 until 24 February). The UvA put together with the trade unions and activist groups, the New College, ReThink and Humanities Rally two committees to check the governance structure and the financial situation of the University of Amsterdam.
By the visible actions of the students erupted also nationwide discussion on the ‘efficiency thinking’ (where success is measured in terms of quantity and not quality) on. The performance agreements which have entered universities in 2012 with the Ministry of Education were a prominent example of this phenomenon. Even Jet Bussemaker, since two years, Education Minister, said in Nieuwsuur she “wants to get rid of the return thinking.”
Last week it was announced that the universities do not want new performance agreements (€) with the government. As a result of these agreements are settings for 7 percent of the funding depends on, among other study success and quality of training
Read more in NRC Handelsblad. Students Protest becomes fragmented
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