The opposition parties CDA and D66 impose conditions on any aid for new government plans. The CDA wants the cabinet this week makes it clear that the gas in Groningen further closing. D66 wants the cabinet to come quickly with a plan to reduce taxes, simplify and greening
Sybrand Buma (CDA) and Alexander Pechtold (D66) made it clear Tuesday in the television Nieuwsuur. The government with the election of a new Senate more than ever dependent on opposition parties to get the plan through the Senate.
Buma and Pechtold are determined to exploit the situation. According Pechtold can never count on Prime Minister Mark Rutte. He blames Rutte a “misplaced complacency” in his attitude on his minority in the Senate. Rutte is guilty according Pechtold also laziness and wishful thinking when he says that attracts jobs and purchasing power of the people is rising.
Calls from the Prime Minister the parties to act responsibly, are “quite separate “Buma said. “The prime minister himself was the man who before the election said that everyone gets at 1,000 euros, and then raise taxes.”
Pechtold and Buma made it clear that it is not a thing that walked Secretary Martin Rhine (Health) as responsible for the personal budget keeps their confidence. Next week, the Chamber argues with Van Rijn on the problems at the PGB. Whether he keeps the support of D66 remains to be seen, Pechtold said. Buma said Van Rijn’s position “absolutely not” definitely
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It is time for pitchforks and torches. Achieving EU (led by Germany and France) to European taxes, and more power to Brussels. Voting is useless, since 1992 no more.
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That’s just the parties that the demolition started that now want to make the big ornamental
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What you have to with all those amateurs and losers. 50 million extra into a bottomless pit Africa, millions of additional deposit retrospective at Brussels, 11 billion failed Fyra, now 60 million (ipv35 million) refurbishment palace for us traveling and migratory monarchs and so by.The is a scandal that citizens still pay dearly for this and the food banks no longer sit at kunnen.Ze only himself and the king verrijken.Maak just imagine pressure over.SCHANDE there
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CDA and D66 set Rutte requirements AFTER EDEN and go. Nothing more, he promised everything, but fails.
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Is Pechtold not the one who helped and tolerated it has to undress citizens to the bone. Now call to win votes. This whole mess is settled for me tomorrow plush be thrown out. They’re not to be trusted and credible. Pechtold is also one of the greatest Europhiles. I agree only on the man sees the reality and his opinion about daring to express namely Geert Wilders.
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Ordinaire haggling, by parties who are not even elected into government. This government is relying thereon is telling how weak this government is. Opposition! Delete the word but from the dictionary!
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I think we are now back where they can no longer tolerate. it’s getting in my eyes better, get it behind the scenes for gevormt leftovers. and the PVV was never spoken. which nevertheless also had 9 seats. buma could not resist to say that he nuet the povv wanted some guts say it was the fault of the CDA which Wilders then walked away but google is a moment where Wilders than they do the same. you can see what is being played a dirty game outrageous mucous dresses
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If CDAen D66 still have not learned that with the unctuous words Rutte be tricked, these two parties are not tuppence waard.Rutte is a master concrete answers omzeilen.Geeft to never answer directly and the result is 0.0 and the ordinary citizens remain creperen.Het CJIB is a fine example of how the average citizen is stripped and the people thereby spur a lot of fear! A latent terror is going to be. That is only 1voorbeeld!
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Bert36: Bert’s opinion is not the will of the people
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they are behind the scenes too who fiddle who goes. it goes well with green left D66 and D66 so the CDA. was there last night too obvious Nieuwsuur. buma his lip began to tremble when he was asked this question. it shall grow a dirty game. the PVV was not mentioned anywhere. while nevertheless there also has 9 seats. scandalous buma could not resist even to say that he wants to govern with everyone but not with the PVV. it was his fault CDA
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That’s exactly the reason I’m not vote. How democratic can I get the voice soon but Bram VNL with the only reason the rest is worthless.
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From Pechtold we know that he’s cabinet only too happy to support. But the CDA ????? I hear Buma say …… At this government will never support the CDA …… can change.
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What is this in everyday life. …………….. Blackmail ?? If you do not do what I want then I shoot in advance any proposal, how good quality off too. This is called acting as a political party in the “national interest”. Why relation to politics? Why respect of leaders of opposition parties?
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This was always a big wish of Europhile Pechtoldje. I have a dream! … How can I be of any further assistance Brussels and again make false promises to ‘ordinary people’. If he gets really saying, then our country will soon be handed over to the Gentiles. He is en even worse than Rutte with his BB & amp;! B tacit support for the PvdA But just which Sybrand Buma (CDA) does not matter. That’s just as bad for our people!
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so they say but really doing is quite different from the pedestrian parties are just so happy to sit on the plush with all the benefits they have
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CDA unreliable party although there is Christian the name now wants to place instead of condoning parties dropped out except D66 still in the running is not this government to support self-interest of Pechtold for the country which is all the buttons thanks to the generous donors and Dijsselbloem Ploumen
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They arrived early in their election speeches
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Well, as everybody now simply VVD had voted then had this problem occurred.
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So we are like these parties lights sold at Brussels, have thanks to D66 no permanent jobs, more so buy homes and start a huge student debt, the CDA we have the AOW discount due and the new care system that is also a big mess over there I see no positive contribution.
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For the people opposing them and withhold the scenes, with each major lucrative features (EU) verdelen.CDA / D66 / VVD / PvdA still want at all costs to the euro (Tros Radar) upright and therefore more money to give Greece (Salmon, Hunter, Dijsselbloem) .Geschikt for a job? Any? Whether the palace is now 35 million, 60 million or 100 million kost.Laat citizens but betalen.300% more expensive does not uit.Kijk to NZ line, Betuwe line, Fyra etc.
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And with Pechtold its social services certainly of a lot of work by this heavily subsidized Europhile we get the thickest ones from their own box .
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And Rutte has a few billion windfall in his desk drawer and D66 and CDA Presents choice: compete or else go to the national debt. So may Buma and Pechtold still call toot a week, next week also very hard on the PGB, then it’s back down neatly upright and give feet. Because if the government falls, they can give to the Rijksmuseum their wish lists.