Saturday, May 30, 2015

New bill: ritual slaughter ban – Yahoo! News

The Party for the Animals does for the second time an attempt to ritual slaughter ban. There will be a new legislative proposal.

An earlier plan of the party for a ban on ritual slaughter was killed in 2012 in the Senate. It would be too restricting religious freedom.

The new senator of the Party for the Animals, Christine Teunissen says in the AD that they expect the bill now comes through the Senate because of the changed voting structure. For the plan is changed slightly to accommodate the objections of then,.

Freedom of Religion
The party believes that all animals should be stunned before slaughter. “Yet there sex without anesthetic ritual than two million animals each year in the Netherlands. Scientific research shows that not anaesthetising animals severe pain, suffering and stress caused,” as it says on the website of the PvdD.

In the current law prohibiting the slaughter of animals without stunning, an exception is made for Jewish and Islamic butchers. “The Party for the Animals is for religious freedom, but finds it unacceptable that exceptions for slaughtering methods that have been proven to cause additional suffering. For us, the boundaries of religious freedom where animal suffering begins.”

Yahoo! News


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