Friday, May 22, 2015

Ex-terror suspects after release radically poor supervision ‘-


The guidance of youths detained on terrorism fails. Thus, they remain after their release too often radical and dangerous. That letter terrorism expert Beatrice de Graaf and Daan Weggemans in their book After the release , which was published today.

Young people who had served their sentence or suspected terrorists without trial, after getting to release many obstacles that impede reintegration, say the researchers. To find the stigma of terrorist is difficult work or an internship. Community police officers and probation officers would these young people should offer more practical guidance: to find a home in another neighborhood for example, mandatory therapy, if necessary, bring them there. If they can not build a new life, the old radical friends continues to attract because they are only there to feel welcome.

‘Bureautjes want meepikken cash in’

Practical assistance helps more than radicalization talks with an imam or Islamic expert who explains that their radical interpretation of Islam is not the right one. Currently, particularly with talks aimed to deradicalise youth. De Graaf and Weggemans warn the deradicaliseringsbureautjes which like mushrooms out of the ground and who are hired by municipalities. De Graaf:

“The fast guys do not add in nice suits. Who want to get their share. Pay only for people who have lots of experience. “

Terrorism sanctions list is large obstacle

A major obstacle to integration of the youths detained on terrorism is terrorism sanctions list in which they could be released. Their assets will be frozen. They can not open a bank account, receive a salary, pay rent or take out insurance.

The Foreign Ministers of Finance put people on the list. Without giving a reason. After the attacks of 11 September, the UN decided to draw up such a list. It is not a law but a UN resolution. People on that list can not go to court to complain. If the Dutch government decides to pick someone from the list, then the US can decide which person to let them. The list is public. There are now about 30 Dutch people and institutions.

The researchers found the list undesirable because someone who insists can not start again. Weggemans:

“They have served their sentences. Then have a fair chance to rehabilitate “

De Graaf:

” Of course counter terrorism policy is needed. But it has to be effective. “

Parents Syriëgangers charges against the state

A group of parents of Syriëgangers file a report against the State as their lawyer Michael Ruperti confirms opposite ANP news agency after reports in The Telegraph . The parents believe that the government could have done more and should do to keep their children in the Netherlands.

It is about nine to ten older couples from the Netherlands, who reported the uitreisplannen their children to the police, municipality or other public service. Those bodies had after reporting directly to take their passports or they should fix, parents find. In some cases, been traveling young people in Syria have been killed.

Read NRC afternoon an interview with The Count and Weggemans.

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