Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Showbiz murder case will be reviewed – Telegraaf.nl


The notorious case of the Hilversum showbiz murder is reviewed. That the Supreme Court has determined Tuesday. In the case Martien Hunnik be wrongfully imprisoned


 Martien van Hunnik Martien van Hunnik Photo: Aldo Allessie

Hunnik was sentenced in 1984 to two years in prison and TBS (then called tbr) for manslaughter by record producer Bart van der Laar. He spent nearly eight years in prison and under treatment.

Hunnik was based on his own statements as perpetrators. The confession which he did in January 1983, he retired again in April of that year. Since then he has maintained his innocence.

The Public Prosecutor has doubts about the guilt of Hunnik because his confession ,, contains gaps and flaws ”. Hunnik himself fighting for years for the reopening of the case.


Van de Laar was on November 10, 1981 with a gunshot wound in his head were found in his home in Hilversum. He died three days later. Van de Laar was record producer known names like Babe, Luv, Corry Konings and Benny Neyman. The murder of the flamboyant label boss was a shock to the Dutch artists world

The court in The Hague will consider the case



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