For all the country already applied code yellow. Where it rains a lot, the traffic jams are a lot longer, the AA predicts.
Code Orange means be prepared. Code red is the highest warning can be issued.
In the course of Monday afternoon and arrive in the evening, especially in the north, center and east of the Netherlands severe thunderstorms to develop. These are local hail, strong winds and lots of rain in a short time as possible.
In Gelderland the fire is very busy by the storm. The security calls people only to call in emergency and danger to life 112. When water damage people must report to the insurer.
Also in North Limburg and Brabant streets are flooded and basements are flooded with water. Amersfoort, the police temporarily closed the Park Randenbroek because of thunderstorms
On Monday heavy rain should decrease again, the KNMI expects
Video:.. Flooding by large amount of precipitation in Pearl
Monday come in Southern Gelderland, Noord Brabant and Limburg for some thunderstorms. Local is a lot of water and flooding may occur.
In the south it remains cloudy and draw some heavy showers with a chance of thunderstorms, hail and winds from east to west across the country. The mercury is between 17 and 24 degrees, while blowing a moderate to moderate north wind. Tonight it remains in most places dry and there is little wind.
Also, the chime does not know it because of the power outage, the town late. Once the storm dies down, the power is restored
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Cancelled Creations
Several places Monday canceled the avondvierdaagse in connection with the (future) self-defense. In the center and east of the country in Monday code orange KNMI and the rest of the country Code yellow associated with severe thunderstorms that pull the country from the east.
include Utrecht, Ermelo, Soest, Harderwijk, Veenendaal, Harmelen, Leusden, Didam and Zutphen has canceled the hike
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Current Conditions
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By: ANP /