According to a poll by Maurice de Hond. In a battle between Asscher and Samson has 49% of Labour voters prefer Asscher, against only 32% for Samson.
When it comes to a battle between Asscher and Rotterdam Mayor Aboutaleb, are the relationships much closer together:. 43% to 42%
the weekly poll (click on image) of the Dog in the voting behavior of the Dutch show little difference from that of last week. This shows still strong preference for the PVV (37 seats), followed at a distance by government party VVD (24). Associate PvdA coalition is in the poll on 8 seats
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Both Asscher as Samson have nothing to add to the Labour Party as party leadership. NOTHING promise and fulfillment that the Labour Party program …… ??
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for the record this party cease to exist after the elections of 2017.
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What do you think of no more PvdA. A better alternative is not there.
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Voices sense only in a true democracy. Voting in the Netherlands makes no sense. Whoever is chosen there, the elite Bea club determines what happens. You can, for example hold a referendum, but the result is not important. The ruling elite and shit on the people. We read in the papers what we can read and see on TV what we can see so …
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Rather Asscher or Samson.? Rather one of them, and preferably no more PvdA. They have already cost too many Dutch citizens, along with their friends in the VVD. Time to say goodbye to this crappy parties. Samson was already well on our way to the o (zero) seats
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That makes sense. Asscher better late than trial balloons on Samson. It is not only able to pierce them as voters.
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AT 0.0 seats did you do NOT need more party leader.
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In a battle between Asscher and Samson “Dog” clearly prefers Asscher.
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both keep us lies for, ziiten now both in the club Pinokkioos, preferably not see any of them again in next elections.
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I do not care for me. That party of eight seats called off entirely for me.
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Whoever is party leader at the WPB, it will not change much for the slower road users. For the WPB has long been that the faster road users bullying off the slower road users on the Dutch roads.
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Lead to scrap, as they say. 1 jar wet, just shut down the whole pvdallochtonen clique.
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you can imagine what to do with Samson with his eight votes, but whether Assher now what we need, but again they are all awaiting unreliable
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those two voters that the party itself has …. the question is to the Dutch people … which sees this party rather disappear from the scene
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Rather neither, they have enough leveled. They may be best suited to think, because it is nothing.
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Samson or Asscher, what does it matter? They can lie both into type.
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Rather than Wilders, Rutte. Even better … Rather Wilders than any other politician like Wilders ook.En a little watch his step in the near future …. is MP-shelf guaranteed and the construction can begin in the Netherlands.
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Rather both out. Egen Corpse preferably no more PvdA.
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we Get the Party Asscher! ???
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preferably no more WPB they have the workers and the elderly dropped like a stone this salon socialists. !! !!
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Samons has way too many succumbed to the VVD. therefore prefer Markous he knows what is happening in our society
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Two seats for THINK. Maurice and I have not asked!
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Labour voter is preferred for Asscher. Fortunately, there are not that many Labour voters more.
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We now know that a restart of a bankrupt company usually ends in disaster. As another leader does not change. So next year, the Labour Party is still as splinter party in the banks. Hooray!