Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Van der Steur acknowledge ethnic profiling by police – NU.nl

That said Minister Ard van der Steur Tuesday during question time in Parliament.

He stressed that the police should be no room for prejudices which lead to standing poses of Dutch with an ethnic background. “Ethnic profiling is unacceptable.”

On Monday, rapper Typhoon stopped by the police in Zwolle, because “yet” did not correspond to the “expensive car” in which he drove. “The investigating officer (friendly guy, not because of) admitted that he was biased,” Typhoon wrote Monday on his Instagram page. “He did note that drug money could be.”

Van der Steur notes that are given within the police training that officers have to be aware of their prejudices. The minister invited to work out with Typhoon with the awareness campaign.

“You should never assume that no more mistakes are made, but it is intended that each police officer is trained in the Netherlands to the make correct assessments. Under very difficult circumstances. That errors are made, we will have to accept. But the chance of that should be as small as possible, “said the minister at the end of Question Time.

video: Van der Steur about ethnic profiling police


on Tuesday morning offered the police Zwolle apologized and said it regretted the undue control.

“We can not select on appearance or ethnicity, and so we felt it was important to address this issue directly to clear up. the officers involved were well aware of their error in judgment and give it directly to frankly. What matters now is that we learn and we definitely going to do it. Typhoon can count on our apologies, “the police said Tuesday.

Van der Steur regrets apprehend, but draws strength from the reaction of the Zwolle police.” The response demonstrates self-reflection. It is important that this learning from. “

Too easy

D66 MP Fatma Koser Kaya believes that Van der Steur issue sweeps too easily off the table.” This time happened to a celebrity. His car was too good. “The MP points out the many other Dutch people who are daily without legitimate reason arrested by the police.” Getting all the others apology? “

According to the D66′er grow generations Dutch on ethnic profiling by turning away from the police. “the police is your best friend, but for many Dutch is not so. The police are not before them, but against them. “

Koser Kaya feels that strucutele changes must take place within the police and more diversity is what the politician is the first step.” That helps the agents of their own recognize bias “

By:. NU.nl


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