Friday, May 27, 2016

VUmc first hospital in Europe with improved radiation technique –

The irradiation may as claimed in the VU University Medical much more accurate targeting of the tumor so that the surrounding tissue is less damaged.

It is also better as possible to give a smaller number of irradiations with a higher dose with less chance of have serious side effects for the patient. As a result, requires less sessions. The majority of patients might complete the treatment within two weeks. Normally there are often four to seven weeks.

In the irradiation device is built in an MRI scanner. As a result, the tumor is also visible during the irradiation. The patient can actively help to its own radiation. Via a monitor, the patient can see the movement of his tumor and bring itself into the correct position by regulating the own breathing. The tumor is then irradiated only if it is in the right place is.


Treatment will mainly value for patients with kidney, prostate, bladder, breast, rectum, pancreas, liver and central lung cancer.

” For some cancers, such as a tumor in the pancreas, such prolonged exposure series was usually the only way to avoid serious damage. This is because the pancreas moves with respiration and is midway between the healthy organs in the abdomen. This new approach is not only more comfortable for the patient, but we also expect more patients longer disease free will, ” said Ben Slotman, head of radiotherapy department VU University Medical Center.

Door ANP


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