The European Medicines Agency EMA gave earlier Friday the green light to medium PrEP. The European Commission in Brussels must now finally decide. As a rule, this happens in the foreseeable future, said the spokesman of Schippers.
At this time, the drug throughout Europe access to the market and therefore automatically admitted to the Dutch market. Here comes not involve any decision by the Dutch minister. Boaters before it gave to ask advice from the Health Council about the importance of PrEP for HIV prevention
The case for immediate mobilization came from the Aids Foundation -. STI AIDS Netherlands, COC Netherlands, the HIV Association Netherlands and the Dutch Association of HIV Practitioners. “It is crucial that the minister now do not hesitate any longer and no time to lose Every year in the fight against HIV. Thousand new HIV infections in the Netherlands. Because PrEP quickly add to the existing HIV prevention package, the Minister may largely to prevent these infections, ” set the interest groups. the important clubs HIV pill a necessary complement to existing HIV prevention tools such as condoms, testing and prompt treatment. “After thirty years of condom promotion, we know that not everyone lives condoms (good) use; For some, the current prevention methods do not meet. ”
PrEP is a pill with anti-retroviral drugs that can prevent HIV infection. The pill is meant for people who do not have HIV, but who are at increased risk of becoming infected. Just as the contraceptive pill, PrEP should be swallowed daily
By:. ANP
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