Monday, July 25, 2016

Police want to help victims of ransomware with special site –

The website should help victims to remove ransomware and also provides information on the dangers of malicious software. Europol and the National Police collaborate with security companies Kaspersky Lab and Intel Security.

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on a computer, so they are no longer usable. Only when there is an amount of money has been paid, the data is released.


To help people with disabling ransomware Intel and Kaspersky than 160,000 decryption keys made available to allow the malware can be disabled.

the tool does not work on any type of ransomware, but only the viruses which the keys work, including Coinvault, Bitcryptor and Shade. The encryption keys came into the possession of the security when a server that was used was taken by criminals.


The last time the amount of ransomware has grown explosively. Worldwide, the number increased computer users attacked by ransomware by 550 percent, from 131,000 in the period from 131,000 to 718,000 in the period 2015-2016.

In the Netherlands, the number of ransomware infections even harder, from 814 to 9967, according to research from Kaspersky Lab.


The new website goes in addition to the existing efforts of the police. “But we have to admit, it is difficult to fight,” said Wilbert Paulissen of the National Police. “The best advice we can give is: do not pay, and make backups Many backups..”

By: Moerman


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