Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Soldiers of Odin: What are these “soldiers”? – 7Days

Fuss about Soldiers of Odin. This vigilante (a group of people as a kind of auxiliary police behavior) in Groningen have arrested an applicant who would have harassed girls. Should ordinary citizens just do? And what’s Soldiers of Odin actually a group? Four questions about this new militia.

1. What happened?
Members of Soldiers of Odin writing Netherlands on their Facebook page that they have detained asylum seekers during their ward round in the Groningen Winschoten Sunday. The man would have harassed girls and they have tried to lure them. The group claims to have called the police and would have asked the man to wait until the police arrived. Soldiers of Odin also posted a video of the event.

The group says no violence used to have and to have transferred the man headed to the police. That the applicant was injured, comes under the Civil probably because he would have been involved in a café in a skirmish. “

 Soldiers of Odin Netherlands

2. What’s Soldiers of Odin exactly?
Soldiers of Odin was in Finland in 2015 established as a vigilante. The group is named after the mythological Scandinavian god Odin. The founder is Mika Ranta, who has ties to far-right groups and was sentenced in 2005 for assault.

The group was founded because of the influx of refugees. According to Ranta there are criminal in men against women and girls must be protected. How? By patrolling in groups through the streets.

The members wearing black shirts and hoodies with their logo on it. Soldiers of Odin now claims to have more than 600 members and chapters in more than 25 countries. The group denies being racist. But on internet you can find quite a few right-wing extremist expressions of Soldiers of Odin.
Soldiers of Odin

3. Is that just what these vigilante did in Groningen?
Yes, the Groningen police said in response to Yahoo! News . There is nothing wrong with vigilantes making rounds through the neighborhoods and keep an eye on what happens. They can serve well as additional eyes and ears. Provided they abide by the law. And keep their hands. Owned right play, we always reject. “

That is exactly what many critics of this kind of vigilantes or fear. Labour MP Ahmed Marcouch is one such critic. According Marcouch, the members organized the streets to hunt actively for immigrants and refugees. “Disgusting,” said Marcouch. The politician believes that Soldiers of Odin does not belong in the Netherlands and calls the group “neo-ish.” He thinks that the police do not have to be positive about.
Members of Soldiers of Odin Norway

4. How do we proceed with this case?
According to police, the arrested man admitted that he had spoken to several women and girls and harassed. And those injuries then? According to agents, there is no evidence that this militia has on his conscience and Soldiers of Odin is not suspected at this time of the offenses.

The applicant wishes do not report abuse and against him is did not report. So there is no case, and the police do not investigate what exactly happened.

Soldiers of Odin Netherlands

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