For the first time Dutch bankers individually punished in the scandal Euribor. Four Rabobank employees who were involved in the shoddy have suitable Supervisory Dutch Securities Institute (DSI). They get a fine.
Three of the four employees had a managerial position, the fourth is a junior employee. His penalty is lower. The employees have to pay between 750 and 3,000 euros, according to the FD. A former employee of the bank was fined 1,500 euros and a reprimand.
Thirty Rabobank employees were involved in manipulating the Libor and Euribor. They evade criminal prosecution in the Netherlands. Abroad are harder addressed former employees of the bank.
Although the settlements already hit the end of 2014, is now only known that for Rabobank going. When Euribor scandal in 2012 was tampered with the interest that banks charge each other when they lend money to each other. They suggested the rate they were expecting to pay themselves, too high or too low. Here then benefited the traders of the bank, with their investments respond to them.
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