Friday, August 19, 2016

Jail sentence for abuse Dutchman to 6-year-old from USA –

The abuse was done with the cooperation of the mother, who is being prosecuted in the US.

The suspect, who has no fixed abode, came forward in a large New Zealand study on child pornography. He was arrested on April 14, after which the girl at her mother was taken away.

The husband and wife would have made contact over the internet, where the woman was persuaded to abuse her child sexually. At different pictures the girl holding a piece of paper fixed bearing the pseudonym of the suspect. Those pictures he used to get a higher status in the digital pedophile network and thus access to other photos, according to the OM.

Also visited the suspect’s mother and daughter in the US where he the girl several times in the mother’s presence abused. The man confessed, but did not give passwords to allow more to be digitally stored material.

A psychologist and adopted a psychiatrist that he has a personality and is accountable to a reduced extent.

The verdict on september 1

by:. ANP


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