NH probes Update 17.00. A large majority of the North Hollanders wants to get rid of annoying street vendors. This is evident from the poll on Monday. The trade association for donor recruiters want to put an end to this irritation while shopping.
The national association Direct Donation Dialogue Recruitment Netherlands (DDDN) comes with a system allowing recruiters to charities may only stand at fixed locations in the city. And up to three of each place. This allows the irritation should decrease by retailers.
The DDDN says getting complaints from across the country about annoying salesmen shoppers harass. “Too many sellers is one point for no good Retailers suffer from it, shoppers also,. We are each other’s way Everyone loses, ” said Henk Doctor of the association in the newspaper
With the new system, recruiters must sign. They are then told that they are allowed to stand. As a place for three recruiters will then need new recruiters assigned to a different location.
Help from community
Doctor hopes to help municipalities: ,, I have enforcers need to know where we should stand. BOA’s (special investigating, ed.) And supervisors can sellers away if they can not stand anywhere. The municipality may also decide to force commercial parties to stand at fixed locations. This creates clarity for everyone. “
Absolutely away?
The question is spread over the city solves the problem. You are namely still bothered while shopping. Should street recruiters are not totally banned from shopping?
The argument today is: I’m going crazy from street vendors while shopping
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