That made zendermanager Basyl de Groot Monday, known in Amsterdam.
This is the ochtendshow starting next Monday, no longer in the hands of Giel Beelen, but are the listeners from now on with Domien Verschuuren (BNN). During lunch by the departure of Timur Perlin, a new duo of Mark van der Molen and Rámon Verkoeijen (BNN) to hear and immediately thereafter, between 14.00 and 16.00 hours Wijnand Speelman (KRO-NCRV) the baton of Paul Rabbering, to NPO Radio 2.
the evening will begin with a new program of dj Sander Hoogendoorn. In the weekend sounding the new voices on the radio, with, among others, Angelique Houtveen (KRO-NCRV) on the Saturday and Sunday morning. Giel Beelen continues to NPO 3FM connected with a show on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. In this program, titled On Stage (VARA), he gives new talent a stage. On Stage is also to be found at festivals and concerts. In the night from Saturday to Sunday get YouTuber Kaj van der Ree (BNN) a place on the channel.
The station suffered by the earlier departure of some of the more popular dj’s with declining luistercijfers. According to The Large wants 3FM in the coming years will develop into a fully-fledged jongerenmerk, not only on the radio, but also via podcasts, vlogs, playlists, and social media. ,,NPO 3FM is there for new talent, both on the transmitter and beyond. It’s in our DNA. We inspire and let ourselves be inspired by our listeners, viewers and followers. They are plenty of the discovery of the world. Many young 3FM-dj’s sit there in the middle. Together we go on new adventures.”
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