The Diabetes Fund start this month with a campaign against sugar. Nevertheless, eat Dutch are becoming less and less sugar, while the number of overweight people is sharply increasing. Focus the fund the arrows at the right culprit?
While you a tasty biscuit to eat, punch a colleague to you. "You know there’s a lot of added sugar in that cookie sit, huh," she says with a big smile, while she is a green shake from her bag grabs. "You need a little thinking on your belly." Reluctantly, you eat the cookie, but in the meantime, you might ask: she might be right?
the Dutch have paranoia when it comes to food. Ask your neighbor or acquaintance what his opinion is about aspartame and he tells a story where at least once the word 'cancer' in return. Nonsense of course, aspartame is a harmless protein. Sugar is something less innocent, but his current position as the black sheep of the voedselfamilie is unjustified.
"We endorse the need to overweight and diabetes in the Netherlands to reduce," is the Knowledge centre sugar & food. "This is part of a reduced calorie intake, including those from sugars. We see, however, that there is a lot of confusion about sugar."
Less sugar, more obesity
the results of The investigation speak for themselves. So we eat an average of 122 grams of sugars per day (2007-2010), while in 1987 another 128 grams of sugars per day. It comes to all the sugars, so the naturally present and added sugars. Yet the number of overweight people has increased sharply. In 1981 was 33% of the Dutch are overweight, in 2015, this was 50%. In short: sugar is not the only culprit.
Body sees no difference between sugars
Many products contain natural sugars. Think of vegetables, fruit, honey and milk. These sugars are exactly the same as added sugars, such as those in cakes and biscuits. So is sugar won from sugar beet. The body treats added sugars the same as that of naturally present sugars.
addiction to sugar? Nonsense!
Despite the fact that the Dutch Diabetes Fund, the world’s first sugar rehab has opened, people can not get addicted to sugar as they do this with level consume. This is evident from a consensusrapport of NeuroFast, where thirteen universities participated. It is possible to get addicted to food, but this is not specific to chocolate or sugar.
Other misconceptions
Less sugar does not mean less calories. Fats contain more calories (on average, 9 per gram) than sugar. A sugar-free muslireep is perhaps dikmakender than a candy bar with sugar. In addition, sugar is not a risk factor for the development of diabetes, though it is called an advice of the Health council to minimize the sugary beverages. Also sugar is not a specific risk factor for heart disease or fatty liver.
Special campaign
It is curious that the Dutch Diabetes Fund, an anti-suikercampagne. "I regret to say that the Diabetes Fund only focuses on sugar in the diet", the responding director Janine Verheesen of the Knowledge centre sugar & food. She is also voedingswetenschapper. "In respect of the prevention of diabetes is the prevention of overweight. It is important to do not more calories that you consume, it doesn’t matter where the calories come from. Now is the to suggest that the intake of sugar specifically is a risk factor for getting diabetes. This is not correct, and this is also the scientific consensus. Also we find that if people are overweight, they have less calories should take up, and therefore less sugar."
"in Addition, I think the blame that the Diabetes Fund continued use of the incorrect numbers with respect to the intake of sugars. The advice of the world health organization is to a maximum of 10 percent of our energy (50 grams for 2000 kcal) from free sugars. The average intake in the Netherlands is fourteen percent of our energy (81 grams, median 74 grams). And not – such as the Diabetes Fund claims – 150 grams per day."
Facts continue to communicate
Will the us ever succeed to screens with scientifically-based arguments instead of with onderbuikgevoelens as food is concerned? Maybe. "The only thing to my idea can work, is to have the correct facts to continue to communicate," says Verheesen against "In the past, the fat-hype, which is now also lie down again."
The Diabetes Fund has so far not yet responded to questions from Once a response is received, we extend in this article.
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