Thursday, November 3, 2016

Impending shortage of reumamedicijn – NOS

rheumatic patients, pharmacies and manufacturers to report shortages to the drug sulfasalazine, a drug that arthritis, and colitis inhibits. The Faculty warns that patients, their treatment must cease or an other means, that less works well against their complaints or leads to side effects.

According to the latest data use in the Netherlands, about 16,000 people sulfasalazine. It is often used by pregnant women because the side effects are low.

The shortage of the anti-reumamiddel is caused by a shortage of raw materials. Why there are not, is not clear. The production of the sulfasalazine seems to be at all medicijnfabrieken to a standstill.

Next year

The largest manufacturer, Pfizer, has only a stocks. Other manufacturers can not provide.

When there is plenty of medications are, is not clear. According to the Faculty promised to manufacturers initially that there is at the end of October, medications would be delivered, but that has not been met.

Pfizer now think about three weeks of stock. Other producers, such as Sanzon, Pharmachemie and Centrafarm, still do not know when they can deliver or say that it is not until January or even march next year.


The Faculty calls upon the producers now to take measures. Sija de Jong of the Faculty points out that switching to another medium to large uncertainty. “A new drug may cause side effects or my rheumatic complaints had can come back. Many people get a carefully balanced amount of sulfasalazine, which is just right for them to work. It really is find what works for you is the best medicine.”

The Faculty has a special website where patients can learn more. The Young advises people with their doctor to discuss alternatives.


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