Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Minister Van der Steur will massaclaims easier

Which is a bill that minister Ard van der Steur (Security and Justice) on Wednesday has submitted.

Claimstichtingen or interest groups may already be for a group to go to court, and the court determines, or has been treated unlawfully. But individual members should themselves settle or again go to court to get their money.

With the new rules this will change and the compensation for everyone at once be arranged. That should also be long and costly procedures.

terms and Conditions

To affected businesses or consumers to protect and unfounded claims to avoid the special interest groups themselves to stricter conditions to comply. So they have their own organisation and finances in order. If the belangenclubs do not comply, can the court decide their claims are not in treatment to take.

If more representatives with the same claim to interfere, the court, according to the bill, decide which the most suitable is. That is the exclusive representative for all victims.


The Amsterdam district court should have all the collective claims to be brought. According to Van der Steur, that is good for the co-ordination of the business. Also can the judges there, then building up expertise.

The Consumers ‘ association, reacts pleased. “We have been fighting for more than 25 years for the possibility of using the judge a compensation to enforce for all consumers affected by the same practice have been affected and where a settlement is not possible”, says director Bart Combée.

According to him, the thresholds for access to the law is too high for individual consumers. Therefore, they are not in action and they receive no compensation, as it should.


The Labour party, argued last month for a National Ombudsman for consumers. According to the party, missing the many people legal knowledge or money to a massaclaim. This ombudsman would have a lawsuit on their behalf.

Known massaclaims of the past years that is against DSB bank and Dexia and claims due to the sale of woekerpolissen.



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