Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Opgestapte OR chief police: such excesses, I can’t explain – NOS

Nijs endorses the conclusion of the Chief of police, Akerboom last week. “There was indeed insufficient control and insufficient insight in the finances,” says the opgestapte interim president.

Transparency discussed

Akerboom accused the other members of the council that they Sleep not contradictions. Nijs says that they are not the parties in the Amstel Hotel. Further they are not in on the question of which members share. “Transparency is extended to the order.”

According to Nijs, there is no investigation against other members of the COR. She adds, however, that they are about this kind of things only at the last moment be informed.

Quick succession of interest

The retired members of the COR are losing their jobs. They are all in service to the police and get probably a different position. Next Thursday there will be discussions about who the councillors are going to follow.

It is for the police is of great importance that there is a new works council. The assigning of new functions, the purchase of new vehicles; virtually all the major decisions of the corps management by the works council to be approved.

According to Nijs are the finances now in order, to the COR. “I have since my aantreding monthly called to account on the expenditure. We have a nice view on things and are ready to take the baton.”

‘Very wise decision’

Chairman of the Dutch police union (NPB) Jan Struijs calls it ‘very sensible’ of the CWC members to resign. “The support of the representative advisory council was gone, and then your role is played out.” Struijs agrees with the importance that as soon as possible a new temporary Central works council in the bowl.

police Chief Akerboom let know in a comment that he the decision of the COR respects. “I attach much value to a well-functioning employee participation and to ensure continuity of decision-making. Therefore, I go on the shortest possible term with the COR and the presidents of the works councils of all units in conversation.”


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