Friday, November 11, 2016

Opgestapte reality is there Monasch working on new party – NOS

After his departure from the Labour party works the Second Member of parliament Jacques Monasch to a new political party. “I am now with a number of very capable people in conversation to see if we can organize,” he says in the Volkskrant. According to Monasch is such a party needed, and he has also the passion for. The next ten days, he wants to cut the knot.

Monasch got Monday from the Labour party because he was not under its own terms and conditions could participate to the lijsttrekkersverkiezing. He wanted people from outside easier could vote for your favourite, and that he as party leader the election programme might change.

According to Monasch listen the PvdA is not enough to ordinary people and is going to the party too much on experts. One of the big problems he finds that the Dutch are at the bottom of the labour market to be forced out of business by cheaper labour from Eastern Europe.

Because the labor party there little doing, walk a lot of ordinary people to the PVV, said Monasch. “There rages a war on the bottom of the labour market. There can be no free movement of labour as the welvaartsverschil between EU member states is too large.” Therefore, there must be, according to him, a new European treaty.

Monasch has no qualms if his party ‘PVV-light’. Ex-PVV) and PVV-voters are with him are welcome. Racists, he doesn’t want to have, but many PVV-voters have, according to him, the heart in the right place.

He closes with the SP, because that party is as ideologically closed, and all salvation of the state is expected. “In addition, applaud them in abundance if Merkel says that they are all refugees.”


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