Friday, November 11, 2016

Passed VVD-Member of parliament Elias angry on leadership –

It is striking that the 61-year-old member of parliament, with the media and luchtvaartportefeuille, passed. The VVD, which, since 2008, in the Room, is currently a member of the fractiebestuur of the liberals, and is part of the Presidency – the executive committee of the Second Chamber.

Also has Elias twice gekandideerd for the presidency of the Second Chamber. In 2012, he had to take against partijgenoot Anouchka van Miltenburg and the beginning of this year he lost of PvdA politician Khadija Arib. He was also chairman of the ICT commission of inquiry.


In a response to the board please let Elias know that he is wroth. He writes that he would have communicated that he Kamerwerk good run, but that he has “many enemies in the party.”

Also, in job interviews, never told that his work is not well performed. “The argument about content is missing. [...] That wring, gently said.”

“This disturbed me. In our party we say, that we have each other there to talk to if things are not going well,” writes Elias further. He thinks that he has “high demands on the functioning of the parliament” and that he therefore “sometimes the truth” to tell.

“Only when we protest in our own group to organize, we can function as representative and regulator of the government on proper way to fill out.”

According to Elias, would the board have asked of him, his candidacy, to withdraw. He would like to know on “any objective grounds,” he does not get the chance to member to continue.


another notable absentee is Joost Taverne. He agreed in August last year against a third aid package for Greeks. Ministers Edith Schippers (public Health) and Ard van der Steur (Security and Justice), as they reported earlier, not on the list. Also Fred Teeven does not return in the Room.

Hooggenoteerde newcomers include Dennis Wiersma, who are now employed by pension administrator PGGM. He will get place 11. Place 14 is for Bente Becker, the current political assistant to minister Henk Kamp (Economic Affairs).

Also the political assistant to the prime minister, Mark Rutte, Sophie Hermans, will get a chance. The daughter of DUTCH star Loek Hermans will place 16. The Amsterdam VVD councillor Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius stands at 19.

The top ten looks as follows: Mark Rutte, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Halbe Zijlstra, Tamara van Ark, Klaas Dijkhoff, Sander Dekker, Barbara Visser, Mark Harbers, Han ten Broeke and Malik Azmani.



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