Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Research on role of ex-chief of police Bouman in the bill-affair – NOS

The ministry of Security and Justice begins an independent investigation into the role of ex-police chief Gerard Bouman at the declaratieschandaal around the Central works council (COR) of the National Police. To confirm this resources, after notification in the NRC.

Following are the exorbitant expenditure which the COR last year in time to hit. Luxury, parties, cruises and expensive meeting venues caused much indignation, not in the last place in the National Police himself, who was engaged in a major reorganization.

The investigation should, inter alia, to determine whether Bouman an eye toekneep and the COR has his way let go, in exchange for the consent with the difficult reorganization of the National Police.

The expenses of the COR are after internal police investigation labeled as “unlawful and ineffective”. Against the ex-chairman of the central works council, Frank Giltay, was last month reported to the police by the current chief of police, Erik Akerboom.

In response, says the Dutch police union was “very pleased” with the investigation Bouman. “We ask that all longer to have an independent and transparent investigation,” said chairman Jan Struijs against the NOS Radio 1 Journaal.

According to him, there is from all levels of the police warned against the negative consequences of the reorganization. “You wonder why, while there was so negative it is advised, nevertheless is continued.” The declaratiegedrag of the COR he calls “extraordinary and excessive”.

Bouman, who in February resigned as chief of police, is still considered the ‘consultant’ employed by the police. He got on his retirement almost two years, the time to search for new work, with retention of a small two tons of salary.


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