Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Again faced with NIS intruder ‘Unfortunate actually “- Yahoo! News

Reporter Martijn Bink today sat in the public gallery at the trial of NIS intruder Tarik Z. “I wanted to know if my memory corresponded with reality. “

Martijn Bink was in January face to face with Tarik Z.” He came across as much older. It was just a young boy today the courtroom was, “Bink said to RTL Nieuws. “Many were killed, actually.”

The NOS reporter was not for his work at the trial, but out of interest. “I wonder what his motives, how he prepared it. And if he knew in advance how big the impact would be. But today we come to know nothing about.”

SEE ALSO: NOS reporter: By the look in my eyes, she saw that it was wrong

On January 29 was Bink in the control room at the NOS editors ready for a live interview with the Journal, when the porter came in, followed by the armed Tarik Z. Bink told Z. that he was in the wrong place, and the man left with the guard to a studio. Bink then warned as his colleagues.

“It’s not something I’m still working every day,” Bink recalls. “I lie awake not, for example, only the night after it happened I could not sleep. I’m now maybe more around me when I see someone I do not know the editors, but it affects me further.”

But the incident has certainly had an impact. “To me, but also on the editorial board. Easy forget you do not. There is mutual often talked about. Just out of interest collegial, how are you? But there’s also been a number of meetings in which we z ‘s all about have talked. There was a whole investigation and on that we are kept well informed. And there is offered professional assistance to the people who needed it. “

SEE ALSO: Violence in TV studios, four times that previously went wrong

Meanwhile, there are also measures to prevent it from happening again. “We must pass some use frequently changed in the building. There is a different policy for logging of guests. There are also things that we do not see and do not know. But it’s not as if the editors suddenly into a fortress . changed on the average workday you notice the changes hardly “

Bink has also learned something from the incident:. as a witness you all pieces are lost. “I noticed really that as eyewitness some things not quite right can have one by one. My colleagues who have seen it, yet which have very different polite. Their story was different than mine. I thought that was enlightening and educational for my work as a reporter, to even stand on the other side. “

RTL News / Linda Verhaegen


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