Monday, May 11, 2015

Building of the Cabinet of the King defaced with swastika – Elsevier

                             Anne Father


                 After the Royal Palace have also vandals defaced the Cabinet of the King in The Hague. On the door of the building at Korte Vijverberg is painted a swastika.

Presumably swastika painted on the door Monday night. It is still unclear who the culprit. The door is taped with black tarp.

The Cabinet housed since 1914 in the seventeenth-century building on the Korte Vijverberg. Previously attended the anti-revolutionary leader Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer in the monument.

class="xms-subtitle"> Royal Palace

It is the second time in a week that a building is daubed it is important for the functioning of the monarchy. Last week, the words “fuck the king” was painted on the wall of the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. The graffiti followed the announcement of the Public Prosecutor (OM) to prosecute activist Al-Jaberi for calling those words.

This was followed by a storm of criticism, including social media. A day later, the public prosecutor withdrew the prosecution decision. Justice says need more time to keep the concerns and requests of Al-Jaberi’s lawyer against the light


blundering OM draws attention to inappropriate banning treason, Gerry writes van der List

deliberate insult of the King – treason – punishable by imprisonment not exceeding five years or a fine, Article 111 of the Criminal Code

King’s Cabinet

The King’s Cabinet -. before “Office Queen” – supports King William -Alexander with his official duties. So collects, collates and analyzes the Cabinet information on current topics that may be of interest to him. This information uses the King to prepare for state and working visits and his weekly meeting with the prime minister.

In addition, places the state organization laws, treaties decide for signature to the King, deals with petitions to the head of state and allows for the archiving of state documents



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