Saturday, May 2, 2015

Dead and eleven wounded by tipping platform in Oosterwolde –

This informs the police of Gelderland.

The accident occurred during a vintage car show at the Oostendorperstraatweg. A group of children sat on the platform when it toppled by unknown reason. The colossus here came the man justified, thereby lost his life.

Ten of the eleven wounded were taken to hospitals in Zwolle and Harderwijk. Two of them are seriously injured, including a child, says a spokesman for the security. Earlier

Earlier, there was confusion about the number of wounded.

The injured children range in age from four to ten years. They came from Old Pekela, Epe, Oldebroek, Kamperveen and Doornspijk. The injured adults are a woman of 23 from Oosterwolde and a man of 20 from Doornspijk.

It was initially reported that the children were in step with the Foundation Wish Ambulance, but that turned out not to be so . The foundation was present on site, but only for promotional purposes

Video:. Police, firefighters and ambulances present in Oosterwolde

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The annual event where the accident took place, is usually well controlled. That said Mayor Adrian Hoogendoorn in response to Radio 1 . The organizers had a permit for the use of the platform.

“They usually know well how it works. There may well have been human error, but that should be sorted out,” said the mayor.

The municipality had sat reception arranged for the families of the victims in the village church. It is “a drama, what Oosterwolde an enormous blow,” says Hoogendoorn.

The event was awarded a multi-year license in 2014, is an annual reporting obligation. The message this year was received late. Whether that has consequences, a spokeswoman for the municipality could not say

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Dead and wounded by tipping platform Oosterwolde

Research Council

Safety Board investigates the accident. A team was Saturday afternoon spot for a first reconnaissance, reports the Research Council.

The police and the labor inspectorate to investigate the cause of the accident.

Police Gelderland asking people who have photos or videos that footage relinquish. This sheds light on the possible cause of the accident



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