What is TTIP

TTIP stands for Transatlantic Trade & amp?; Investment Partnership (TTIP) or trans-Atlantic trade and investment treaty. The European Union (EU) and the United States (US) negotiating since 2013, this agreement allowing trade between the superpowers should be simpler and cheaper.

Who are in favor of TTIP and why?

Companies and governments. Companies can import and export easier by this Convention. The elimination of trade barriers also benefit the United States, the European Union and therefore economically Netherlands. The Dutch government sees great advantages of the free trade agreement.

Who are the opponents of TTIP and why?

The opponents are mainly found in the corner of the environment, animal welfare, health and consumers. But also farmers and Europe-skeptic parties are opposed. The main criticism against TTIP is being undermined by the opening up of trade, democracy and autonomy of countries. Moreover, opponents fear that European rules for food safety and go up the slope. In the US, for example, a type of plastic added to bread in order to keep it flexible. This substance is not allowed here, use is illegal, for example yoga mats. If the trade agreement is laid, this prohibition may be canceled. Also unclear and indistinct with which the negotiations involve, encountering many organizations against the grain: this fact take place behind closed doors

What is now going on

Greenpeace.? in a statement to let the TTIP documents show that there are great dangers for the environment and consumer safety adhering to the treaty. Now Greenpeace is even that products are only allowed in Europe as they are proven safe. That would replace the US approach that dangerous substances are not banned but are managed.

When will there be an agreement?

If the agreement has to be precise, is very unclear. The idea was originally that the end of 2015 would be a negotiated agreement by the European Commission, where the European Parliament would vote on. Probably the agreement this year only