Wednesday, May 18, 2016

WMO’s black box – Internal Administration

First big picture

This is evident from the Overall reporting social domain published today. Around the transition from the Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP). Which is at the request of Minister Plasterk of the Interior, coordinating minister for the three decentralizations prepared. The bulky report SCP attempts to outline the developments before and after the decentralizations care and youth work, and to identify where problem areas are.

One in eight

some 2.1 million people – about one in eight Dutch – made last year using an individual provision in the social domain. Half of them appealed to the WMO in 2015, a third on the participation Act and a sixth on the juvenile law. Through the municipal communes were last year’s 17.7 billion euro for the implementation of these tasks. That equates to around 8,400 euros per user care. Municipalities gave 150 million euros and came over half a billion short on work and income and recorded a surplus of 360 million euros on the WMO and youth, according to preliminary figures.

Black box

the SCP does not propose to make any statements about the use of WMO facilities in municipalities, differences in use between municipalities and any changes thereto. “The diversity of device, care packages and data availability between municipalities is large, making it difficult to sketch a national picture.” The SSA is basically a black box; it is unclear what happens inside the SSA with the 4.8 billion who asked to municipalities the state before available. The appeal to individual (custom) features can be imaged, but there is no view on the use of general services. The SCP identified a trend in the shift from bespoke facilities for general services; especially domestic help, to a lesser extent daytime activities and individual counseling.

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Around the youth law is in the eyes of the SCP remarkable that municipalities are indeed responsible for the budget, but they hardly have a finger in the pie in the allocation of aid. Only 12 percent of youth sub-trajectories started in the first six months of 2015, the municipality is directly responsible for it. In approximately 67 percent of cases, the doctor refers a younger and by 7 percent in a court.

Sheltered Work

the participation Act came last year slow start, finds the SCP. Placing people with disabilities in regular employers is not smooth and even setting up sheltered work lags far behind the national objectives. As is known, is responsible Secretary Jetta Klijnsma (SWZ) that act on them: municipalities are obliged to offer sheltered workplaces by 2017, as research by the Inspectorate of Social Affairs shows that the actual number of sheltered workplaces lags behind expectations

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If one looks with a helicopter view to the three decentralizations, the SCP says that the 3D adage – ‘a family-plan-a director ‘- admittedly is lip service (policy documents), but not in practice. Neatly said integrated and coherent service proves to be stubborn and particularly difficult in practice. It belongs to the ambitions of local councils, but they are also “critical of the necessity and priority of an integrated approach in the implementation of the three decentralization laws,” writes the SCP. There are other priorities, continuity of care in one state.

Low overload

In addition, working on the integrality within the domains themselves and integrally with other adjacent areas such as debt, the long-term care Act (WLZ), the Health Insurance (Health Insurance Act), the (appropriate) education and employment. The participation Act lends itself not very good connection with the WMO and Youth, Couples municipalities. Last but not least, it comes to relatively few residents who have to deal simultaneously with two or three laws give municipalities. Only at twelve percent of households are combinations of provisions for two or three areas. “The accumulation of use between domains appears to be less extensive than was thought at the start of the decentralizations’ says the SCP.


Towns struggle with accountability and monitoring, as is further demonstrated by the investigation. “Municipalities have the balance between what one wants to know, need to know and should know not always found.” There is a great need for guidance on social effects, but municipalities do not yet know well how to measure those effects. “The new balance in management and control still needs to grow.” Measuring impact is therefore still as good as in its infancy. “While putting individual municipalities steps as regards the instruments to measure impact is limited to the lack of a systematic approach to learn the capabilities of each other,” say the researchers.


By registering and informing is an emphatic statement, says the SCP. Not only in churches but also the relevant departments the heads stabbing together. SCP warns of fragmentation of information; there should be unity so that apples can be compared with apples. “For an effective monitoring system, which is useful for both municipalities and the state, it is important to continue to coordinate the information and as much as possible to reach a uniform way of monitoring.



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