Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Holleeder must repay nearly 18 million of State – NU.nl

Holleeder would have the money obtained from criminal activities.

The court Holleeder put a discount of 5,000 euros because the case has suffered so many delays. The amount thus comes to 17,952,932.75 euros.

It is the second time that the court come to this judgment. The matter was referred back to the court in Haarlem, because the judge had the case in 2012, presided over the appearance of partiality.


The court specified by the court in Amsterdam on 13 July 2012 which Holleeder had to pay an amount of 17,957,932.75 million to the Dutch State. The money comes from extorting include Willem Endstra and Kees Houtman.

Both men were liquidated, respectively in 2004 and 2005. Holleeder is suspected to have been involved in these murders.


Holleeder was sentenced by the court in Amsterdam in 2009 to nine years in prison for, among other extorting Endstra.

the Endstra extorted money constitutes the majority of the gain realized, just over 17 million.

Houtman was extorted for a million. The court finds, in view of witnesses, likely that this amount between the extortionists so divided it Holleeder has received 500,000 euro

Lawyer Stijn Franken argued in the confiscation case that Holleeder never actually had possession of the money. The amounts were parked on accounts of businessman Jan Dirk Paarlberg.

The court did not go into it here. Paarlberg himself was sentenced in 2014 to four years in prison for laundering of nearly 18 million.


Franken was Holleeder in this case is still in. He left on May 11 Learn to cease defending Holleeder after receiving an urgent advice of the president of the Bar Association in Amsterdam. There was fuss made about his role in the interrogations of Sandra den Hartog. Franks was at Den Hartog until the moment they witness went against Holleeder.

For the interrogation of Den Hartog would have agreed that Franks would do this yourself to avoid conflicts of interest. The lawyer denies that arrangements are made. The confiscation case he Holleeder be able to

By:. NU.nl


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