According to a health survey by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), which the program Nieuwsuur message.
a spokesman for RIVM confirmed the news. The investigation Husbandry and Health Residents (VGO) show that lung function of people living in an area with lots of cows, chickens and pigs decreases by 2 to 5 percent. Decreased lung function is mainly among people living within a radius of one kilometer of fifteen or more companies.
The study says that average 1.5 percent of the population annually in the Netherlands gets pneumonia. Near a poultry is more likely: 1.65 percent instead of 1.5 percent. The increased concentration of ammonia can lead to a reduction in lung function. This has not worked a direct result of the ammonia, the researchers, but a consequence of the fine dust particles created when ammonia reacts with other substances in the air.
The RIVM has three years to research in East -Brabant and North Limburg. 2500 residents participated in the study.
LTO Netherlands said that the study “clarity” cares about the health of residents of farms. ,, We still are a serious mission to reduce emissions of particulate matter in the coming years. And that can, “says director of Animal Show Hoof LTO Netherlands.
Friends of the Earth believes that the government ,, has grow livestock knowingly ” and suggests the economy over health. ,, The dairy industry contributes 50 percent to the emissions of ammonia, ” said Friends of the Earth. ,, To protect the environment and people’s health requires contraction of the livestock ”
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