Friday, July 15, 2016

Student designs walking crutch excited for 65 years there – BN DeStem

Old age can be a spoilsport between the sheets. Glenn da Silva (24) helps his taboo-breaking Love Assist. Da Silva may be young, expecting him no student-jokes about the sex lives of the elderly. Do not expect pornographic knickknacks or pills that promise miracles. He designed rock-solid tube excited-65s.

Love Assist. For sex by age

,, If your body does not move more smoothly, many acts no longer self-evident, ” said the young creative. ,, I have therefore looked at tools that older people are already helping in daily activities; the walker and walking crutch. ”

Sex Positions
student of the Willem de Kooning Academy, spoke with doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and sexologists. He asked friends if he could coffee with their grandparents for a conversation about sex. He investigated what sexual positions are most comfortable for people with a bad back or knees wobble. Spooning and woman on top, he concludes.

Then Da Silva fit the classic tools. The result: a walker which the seat moves with a man like him a woman penetrates on his lap and runny stool easily transforms to stand keeping up the leg of a woman in recovery position

Who here does not make sense. in the act, using his special walker or crutch walking on the ‘normal’ way. Nobody sees that it is a sex tool. Although it would have been no secret, says Da Silva. ,, Sex is a basic need, but for the elderly the least accessible. Sex and age do not seem to be able to go together. ”

elderly are indeed active between the sheets, research shows. The Dutch men aged between 65 and 70 years old is 82 percent the past six months had sex, compared with 54 percent of women. ,, There should be more attention to maintaining a sex life in old age, ” said spokesman Yuri Veen of Elders Organization Anbo. ,, We fight against this taboo, but young people see the picture rather not for himself, and the current generation of seniors is not used to talking about sex. “

Peat is very excited about Love Assist, because he never heard of such tools. ,, In the Netherlands, it is now only normal to double variants of custom bedding. Until recently slept disabled people forced alone. “

Also found at the Willem de Kooning Academy she Da Silva’s graduation valuable. Love Assist is rewarded with the Threshold Value Commercial Practices of 5,000 euros. ,, I’m going to invest in the market of such devices. I am still looking for interested parties, ” he says.

are excited by it consulted the elderly. ,, But they find the prototypes some chilly ” laughs Da Silva. ,, Why I want to quickly go to a shop where every elderly can choose your own color or a soft fur lining for can order the leg rest. ”


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