UTRECHT – A strike by 30 angry Utrecht taxi drivers on the Jaarbeursplein in Utrecht has paid off. The drivers blocked Saturday during the strike of an hour traffic because they felt they had to park too far away. Buses were therefore stuck. The city of Utrecht has now temporarily approved that 4 to 5 taxis closer parking. Monday following an emergency meeting with the drivers.
Saturday was the first day that the new bus stop on the city side of Utrecht Central Station was no longer in use. The taxi drivers that had a prominent place. However, taxis now have to like buses pick up travelers at the side of the Jaarbeursplein. But the location of the cabs of the drivers barely visible.
The drivers also complained that they are not well informed about the move. “Not by the municipality and not by our association,” said a spokesman for the drivers. The protesters wanted a meeting with the municipality and demanded a better location. Who better rank they have therefore, in any event received by Monday. Monday the municipality will then talk with angry drivers.
The action was not appreciated by many bus passengers because they were significant delays. Even some taxi drivers were not behind the action, says reporter Marc van Rossum.
think they are more than other drivers, sometimes think they have a flashing light on the roof instead of a taxi sign.
reason they have not since before the plans are pushed through, there is a period of time to object to the plans, as far as they can not think.
and now they think they have won something because a few days have been a different place
two outs. | 02-07-2016 19:34 pm
I do not understand. The police still have arrangements with salvage companies for obstruction for parked cars. At the sight of a pair thereof taxis shots had do not last hour
fido from De Bilt | 02-07-2016 17:59 pm
Can not wait until Uber jobs will then be we finally this terrible taxi drivers down. The prices are really stupid and 9/10 times is as a woman harassed. Mainly at UTC is really terrible. They have been asked several times if I wanted to pay for the trip in kind. Away with it with those guys
Marjolein from Utrecht! | 02-07-2016 17:39 pm
The ZJN always the same kind of people who complain
make abuse of bus lanes, you cut off the road, decency which have not taxichauffers
their license has been transformed into a hunting license. they always want to be high such people
Goslinga from Tienhoven | 02-07-2016 16:33 pm
A taxi is supposed to stand for the station so the elderly and other taxi users not having to lug suitcases walkers etc. Thus it always was and so it should remain. Should we adults try searching in the rain for a taxi. What a rotten city is Utrecht.
Margriet from Utrecht | 02-07-2016 16:28 pm
Are social taxi drivers ???
Presumably not: They block buses on the Jaarbeursplein even one hour last.
Many passengers in the bus this are a victim!.
Scandalous practices of these carriers !.
Niekie Anonymous from Utrecht.
Niekie Anonymous. from Utrecht. | 02-07-2016 16:14 pm
Fine association did you man man man … That had been from the first moment to sit on top and join in the conversation; apparently they did not. action was then itself taken; Everyone knew this was coming. But no, now good point the finger. But to block the bus on a Saturday afternoon; shame!
Ikwilookwatzeggen from Nieuwegein | 02-07-2016 15:56 pm
Good thing is the debt rating and the drivers of the buses that taxis should be there. Absolutely right that the taxi drivers putting it paid them
Alex from Nieuwegein. | 02-07-2016 15:51 pm
is already known when the police arrest the ringleaders and leave their cars towed?
Because after all incidents of violent attacks on Uber drivers is that taxi drivers make this once again shows that they are in fact organized crime.
It can not be tolerated
Thomas from Utrecht. | 02-07-2016 14:43 pm
And so have other people suffer from. ..? Everything suddenly blocked because they are not satisfied, I think everything is inspected and they had to know what would be the new location.
Pierre from Utrecht | 02-07-2016 14:42 pm
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