The Central works council of the National Police, was money wasted.
That it appears from an internal investigation of the department of Security, Integrity and Complaints of the Politiedienstencentrum. These hard conclusions are drawn.
Large parts of the budget of the works council are unlawful and ineffective spent and considerable sums of money have been wasted. Also lacked proper supervision. It included dinners, banquets, parties, nights with champagne breakfast and hiring of imagocoaches.
The new police chief Erik Akerboom concluded that former chairman Frank Giltay of the COR solo was acting up and not enough sense of responsibility.
Van der Steur has an independent investigation been announced.
This research should focus on the role of He in the pay of the 1.6 million which the council per year. Possible Bouman with his fiat with the support of the board purchased.
police union NPB says that the data show that “at least the suspicion that the decision-making about the reorganisation of the police is tainted”. However, it is still not clear who the research is run, and how long it will take.
Chief of police Akerboom had already filed charges against COR-boss Frank Giltay.
Giltay explained on 21 June, his function as chairman of the CWC after it became known that investigation of his uitgavepatroon was done. At the COR would be meals and travel are billed. Giltay said innocently. “There are people that have given me a ear want to sew.”
Giltay organized, for example, parties to the value of 12,000 euro in the Amstelhotel and 7,000 euros in cruisehotel SS Rotterdam, in a time that agents were demonstrating for a better salary. In addition, he took his wife often participate in missions, as that is prohibited by law.
The opposition in the Room wants broader investigation.
Almost all the opposition parties want the research to the geldverkwisting by the works council, also focused on minister Van der Steur.
CDA Member of the Dutch parliament Madeleine van Toorenburg is important that is intended or may have the support of the central works council is ‘bought’ for the massive reorganization in the police. It should, according to her, not only to the then chief of police, be considered, but also to the ministry.
Except for the CDA are also SP, D66, PVV, ChristenUnie, SGP, Group Kuzu/Öztürk and the Party for the Animals behind it.
The full Central works council has resigned.
That made the seven members of the council on Monday 7 november known.
“We have been waiting for the conclusions of the chief of police, and endorse this. What has happened hits the credibility of the participation. The trust is damaged. We regret that our colleagues on the street are approached on the situation around the COR”, according to a statement
Also He has his work as consultant, resigned.
This is decided after consultation with the minister of Ard van der Steur (Justice).
Earlier, said Van der Steur is still that He could stay on as a consultant, but during the investigation he is now on non-active.
The former police chief was previously criticised for his high salary.
He stepped in February 2016, as supreme chief of the National Police, but with the promise that he had two years in the service would remain as an external consultant. He deserves this, 185.000 euros per year, with the commitment of Van der Steur is that he costs can declare for ‘temporary jobs'.
The SP called it ‘indecent' that Bouman above the Balkenende-norm continues to earn money. Also, the CDA called this ‘uncomfortable and difficult to explain'. Police union ANPV asked angry and indignant. "This is not to explain when we get to the police a shortage of money. Of this salary, we would have four hoofdagenten can pay."
the role of Bouman in the case of Mitch Henriquez is being investigated.
In his role as chief of police, said to Bouman, the five agents who were involved in the fatal arrest of Henriquez in The Hague that they should not be dismissed. Also promised Bouman that the financial impact of the outside function of the agents during the investigation into their involvement in the death of Henriquez would be reversed.
The Public Prosecutor’s office decided in mid-september two of the five involved agents to prosecute. On the basis of research of the NFI (Dutch Forensic Institute) concluded that Henriquez died by asphyxia, probably caused by violence on his neck. An internal investigation of the police shows that four of the five agents serious breach of duty can be blamed.
What for consequences this has for the agents, is not yet clear. Van der Steur promised in October to examine the commitments of Bouman to the agents.
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