Thursday, November 10, 2016

‘Wilders is welcome, Trump not’ – Dagblad de Limburger

'Wilders is welcome, Trump not'

In Kerkrade is it not true that the popularity of Wilders, automatically translates in joy over the victory of Donald Trump in America. Photo: Ermindo Armino

How is the victory of Donald Trump in Limburg PVV-districts to be polite? Dominate there are feelings of triumph? A look in On the Moors in Tegelen in Limburg.

Not that the flag-station On the Heath. There cherishes all eight years of long hair advocate. In the traditional working-class district in Tegelen switchten many voters eight years ago of the Labour party to the PVV. There was a strong unease about the multicultural society, which they as from one day to the other were facing.

the Contingents of Poles, Romanians, Turks and Moroccans came to the ward. The drug crime increased. And more and more On the Heidenaren had their jobs lost at Océ, at the pannenfabriek or at factories in the region. That is Tons of, fortunately has not yet happened. Nevertheless, the team leader of a vloerbedekkingsfirma, decorated with a ferocious tattoo on the whole neck, very much on the PVV and he does that still. He lived in America, he would however never on the Trump vote. “That man is really crazy, that is not to be trusted.” Geert Wilders, he says. “That should be a end to go to all those Labour party people and other republicans in The Hague.” It is time that the elite once the truth is told, says Ton. “Just watch, on march 15.”

An older man with vissershoedje, which are just messages has done in the Plus supermarket, break a bit of a lance for Trump. “It’s good that the him in America is successful. Now in the Netherlands with Wilders. He may be in this area beautiful once the mess is clean up and all those drug dealers out on him." Not everyone In the field thinks so. The operator of Friture The Moor and his wife still prefer not to use politics, they say. They are leaving that to their customers. “But a pity it is, however, that there are so many divisions in the district.”

It is an arrogant man that women humiliated

As also in Kerkrade. Lenny (57) takes a puff of her cigarette. Cigarette break. Lenny works in a sandwich shop on the Market. She heard early on the morning that Trump was chosen by the American people. “It is an arrogant man that women humiliated”, says Lenny. “I hope that more people in Kerkrade on Wilders votes. That would really be a disaster for this country." A man with a large grey beard, that the conversation has heard, nodding. “Wilders? That is the worst that this province has ever produced."

And there is Jac again passionately disagree. The 70-year-old WAO'(due to a failing heart valve) guides on the Market are electric scooter with orange flag deftly along the shops. Jac knows how the hares walk. His brother was ever in the city of Eygelshoven.
Trump, he finds a onbenul. As Jac in America had lived, he would be on mrs. Clinton voted for. But he lives in Kerkrade, and here he agrees on Wilders. “That is a politician that tackle. Just like my brother always did. And not to be as lazy of the Labour party, that the whole day behind their computer. They do absolutely nothing for the people."

No, a bad day, will Jac the call. He whisks off with his scooter. He is expected to be in the senior citizens residence of a friend, where coffee and cake are part. The extent to which the triumph of Trump, indirectly, their right about islam and immigration in the Netherlands and other onbehagens also confirms, in all parts of Kerkrade have Trump so not to come. And in the Most not really. Christa, sturdy blonde woman, just out of the barber. Wilders is in her welcome. Trump is not. “Wilders is committed to the ordinary man and he thinks he is normal about women. Trump is not. When I was with the man was married, I went of separating him."

In this spring, Wilders said in an interview with this newspaper about Trump: “Every time I go in America come, I notice that they Trump great find. The Republican party in America is too many elite become. They are the white collars and the blue collars forgotten. And now they see a man who she comes to mind. This is a breath of fresh air in America. Underestimated him, though."

we Do starting today, not more.


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