” Vulnerable people are the victims, harrowing course
© anp.
The now defunct healthcare facility Me Care in Nieuwegein is suspected of a million fraud budgets allocated to its clients. Several dozen Nieuwegeiners be the victim. They sometimes have 10,000 to 15,000 euros provided personal budgets (PGB’s) return. In one case it comes to euro 80,000.
,, harrowing course, ” said mr. E. Osinga. He acts on behalf of about thirty former care clients Me Care. ,, We are talking about vulnerable people who will succeed the course, never that kind of money to cough up. Good care is what they needed, but they threaten there through it all especially to get a very heavy financial care for. ”
The Achmea Zorgkantoor, provider of personal budgets, says “a very serious suspicion ‘having from fraud. It is supported by the Public Prosecutor in Utrecht. There is a study of Me-Care. That had several addresses in Nieuwegein care.
Here came among others young people with psychic or addiction problems. But care was also provided to elderly people with physical limitations. Who got this also delivered at home. Customers were used in all cases of fundholding, which they paid me-Care.
According Achmea spokesman Christine Rompa there are ample indications that there is readily paid for care that never (fully) supplied. Lawyer Osinga: ,, The money is now being reclaimed by the budget holders. These are the clients. This is not one who complains about poor care by Me-Care. What was there was an inadequate, perhaps even clumsy administration. But that is different from willful fraud. ”
Since June last year provided Achmea no PGBs more people who wanted to Me Care sea. Followed in September the decision to recover money. That was the end of the foundation to the Symfonielaan in Nieuwegein, with twelve employees. Probably in April, the court looks into each of the individual cases. There are 46 in total.
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