This time brought a record number of over 79,500 people a vote. Every year is a different category at the heart of the Museum Prize. This time it was war and resistance museums.

National Monument Camp Vught was told Tuesday that it had won. According to the jury, which selected the three contenders before the public could vote, the winner succeeds in an outstanding manner ,, in the drama of this former SS concentration camp from World War II to turn into a real experience ”.

According to the initiators remained would win any museum exciting until the end. The Resistance finished in second place with 33 percent of the votes and the National Military Museum with nearly 30 percent at number three.

The Fries Museum in Leeuwarden went there with the honor last year off. The Museum Prize, established in 1990, is an initiative of the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund and the BankGiro Lottery, in partnership with the Museum Association